Roulette Computers: Hidden Devices That Predict Spins
Roulette computers are still legal in around half of casinos. The only limit is what you can win without being detected.
Roulette computers are hidden electronic devices that predict where the ball will land. They calculate the speed and deceleration of ball and wheel to determine the approximate winning wheel sector. They are by far the quickest and most effective way to beat roulette.
Many roulette computers exist, but most are simplistic and only win on old and worn roulette wheels. Our computers are by far the most advanced available anywhere. You can compare other devices at demonstration either in-person or live via webcam.
Are They Legal?
We have written legal advice from most jurisdictions. Roulette computers do not interfere with the wheel or ball, so they are not considered “cheating”, and are therefore legal in about half of casinos (see more detail).
But legal or not, no casino will tolerate a consistent winner, regardless of how you win. If casinos suspect you’re using a computer, you’ll either be asked to leave, or the dealer will close betting earlier until you leave. So the computers are hidden and used covertly. The casino never sees the computer.
See a Demo On Any Wheel
See a LIVE demo on any wheel you want, either in-person or via webcam.

Typical seating arrangement of group demonstrations.
- Test on any wheel you want.
- Spin the wheel yourself.
- Live demos in-person or via webcam.
- Use the computers for yourself.
- Disassemble wheels to check for tampering.
There’s no reasonable proof we can’t provide. You can even watch live video of players winning in real casinos.
Beware of Scams
There are numerous roulette computer scams, and some computers are poorly designed but well-promoted.
Tips To Avoid Scams
- Some roulette computer sellers are notoriously manipulative. Never rely on anyone’s word alone. Do careful research.
- Insist on a demonstration on a modern wheel in realistic casino conditions, and learn the statistical relevance of results (a mere “profit” in tests is not sufficient proof).
- Be aware of false positive feedback including paid Ebay reviews. Often sellers also publish fake negative reviews and false information about competitors.
- You get what you pay for. Most computers lose you money in real casino conditions.
- Don’t rely on video demos alone. Some wheels are defective and very easily beaten, even without a computer.
- Insist on a personal demo on a wheel of your choice. If you aren’t sure, see it for yourself on a wheel the seller doesn’t own or control.
How They Work
Basic roulette computers use the following principles:
1. Dominant Diamonds
The ball will almost always hit specific diamonds more than others. This is called a “dominant diamond”, and it happens on almost every wheel. You can easily check it on your casino’s wheels by creating a small chart. Regardless of the ball release speed, there will still be a dominant diamond. They are usually caused by minor imperfections in the ball track, and they are almost impossible for casinos to prevent.
2. Predictable Ball Bounce

3. Time To Get Predictions and Bet
The predict the winning number, the computer needs to know the speed of the ball and wheel (rotor). This can take a computer anywhere from 1 to 10 seconds to calculate, depending on the computer’s design. The calculated prediction is then sent to the player via a wireless earpiece hidden in their ear. The player usually only needs to bet one number.
Our computers don’t need dominant diamonds. They can predict how the ball will bounce on different spins. And they can get predictions 2 seconds after ball release.
A Casino Consultant’s Video Explaining Roulette Computers
Click the link below to download a video that explains the basics of roulette computers. It was created by a consultant that casino’s hire to educate them about computers.
Download here: (let us know if the file doesn’t exist)
Why Our Computers
Computers that beat modern wheels in modern casinos require sophisticated design. You can see the full capabilities of our computers in personal demonstrations on any wheel you want.
Frequently Asked Questions
The short answer is we license some computers for others to use, while using them ourselves, maximizes our revenue.
It's an important question, so more detail is provided below:
1. Of course we the computers ourselves. Specifically we manage many teams for a profit split. This is done via the arrangement explained at
2. We already have more teams than we can comfortably coordinate. And there are far too many casinos for us to play in them all. So to maximize our revenue, we license the technology to other teams who play in casinos we don't play in.
3. Purchasers pay a fair price. It’s not like we sell them for $49.95. Our best computer is US$80,000. For the sake of simplicity, we call it "selling" computers. But it is in fact "licensing" them.
You might ask why we don’t simply partner with everyone that asks. But initially we did send free computers to virtually every player who appeared serious. But we quickly found too many people didn't dedicate enough time, or were too lazy to play. Generally when people get something for free, they're less inclined to use it. In many cases, people didn't even bother to return the equipment.
So we became much more selective of who we partnered with. Now we only partner with the most suitable teams and individuals. Furthermore, our partners are required to purchase their own hardware for themselves (such as phones). This costs each player about $300 (none of this is paid to us). Then we install the software for them at no charge. We receive $0.00 from players up-front. This arrangement ensures we're dealing only with players who are serious, and prepared at least to make some investment, rather than have us pay for all equipment.
Overall, roulette computers are still rare enough that we can continue licensing them for others to use. But we will stop sales completely before they become too widespread. This will ensure all teams, including our own, are not adversely affected.
Roulette computer devices are legal in about half of casinos. This is because most laws define cheating as “influencing” game outcomes, but the roulette computers do not at all influence spins – they merely predict them. But legal or not, you can still be banned for using computers, so they must be used discretely. This is because no casino will tolerate a consistent winner, regardless of how you win. It is a condition of purchase that you use them only where they are legal.
Yes, and very well. The main problem is not beating the wheels because our advanced computers beat almost every wheel. Roulette wheels and casino conditions have not significantly changed in the last 10 years. The main problem is avoiding detection, although it’s not difficult with simple guidelines we teach you. Provided you regularly swap between casinos, you can easily earn a six-figure income each year without being detected. Read the article at
Seek independent legal advice regarding this issue, although one option is to ask your local gaming authority. We provide a template email you send them to get the answers you need for free. My roulette computers are not to be used illegally under any circumstances. If I discover you are using the computer illegally, I will deny you access to ongoing codes that are required on a periodic basis to keep the software operational. Understand if you apply the technology illegally, you also put me at risk.
Gambling laws vary between states, even in the same country. Roulette computers are legal in approximately half of the casinos. The most central region where computers are LEGAL is Europe, but there are also legal regions on the American continent. We have conducted our own legal research and know where it is legal, although you should still do your own legal advice without relying on ours. We only reveal exact jurisdictions to actual players.
No, of course not. Most computers are hidden in a pocket. Ours are built into normal-looking mobile phones, so they don't look suspicious even if they are seen.
A hidden cable with a button is clicked to measure the wheel and ball speed. Most players prefer clicking the button with their toe, so their hands are free. The predicted number is transmitted to a miniature invisible wireless earpiece. So the computer is completely hidden. The casino staff never see it.
Our most advanced computer (the Hybrid) uses a hidden camera with a pinhole lens, and measures wheel and ball speed automatically. So players don't even need to look at the wheel.
Because no casino will tolerate a consistent winner, no matter how you win. A casino can easily ban players they suspect are using computer, although banning almost never occurs. Instead, the dealer calls no more bets earlier in the spin, so you have no time to bet. The only way to avoid this is to win discretely. When you leave, the dealer will resume calling no more bets later in the spin. This allows typical losing players to bet more and lose more, which maximizes casino profits.
No, the computer doesn't need to be near or on the wheel. You just need to be able to see the green zero or ball pass, so you can click the hidden button at the right time.
If you are using the Hybrid roulette computer, then the timings are taken automatically. But the hidden camera needs to see the wheel. With the camera's auto-aim and zoom capabilities, the camera can be even 30 meters away from the wheel provided the green zero and ball can be seen.
Yes they could, but they don't, because they would lose revenue from other players.
Almost all casinos allow players to bet 5-10 seconds after the ball is released. This is because it means typical players bet more, it speeds up the game, and it maximizes the casino's revenue. Keep in mind the vast majority of roulette players lose.
Perhaps 1 in 10,000 players use a roulette computer, so they are comparatively rare.
Casinos know about roulette computers. And they know the best way to maximize their revenue is to allow late bets, UNLESS they suspect a particular player is using a roulette computer. If a computer player is suspected, the casino staff simply close bets earlier, until the player loses or leaves. Then normal casino procedures resume.
Even in casinos where roulette computers are illegal, this is all that usually happens. But still illegal application of our computers is strictly forbidden, and against our terms of service. There are ample legal places to play.
Players contact us to apply via the application form. They follow various steps which help weed out time-wasters, after which they access the private forum at You can contact Players via the private forum. This is the same way we find players for our own private teams.
Players often work with numerous teams, so you have the opportunity to work with experienced players from the start. You can also find other players via your own means, although we suggest you encourage them to follow our procedures, so they're more likely to be serious players.
See more FAQs or contact us with questions.
Computers Versions
We’ve developed numerous versions. The more sophisticated versions are more accurate, but also more expensive. Contact us with details of where you play, and your approximate budget, then we’ll suggest the most suitable version. A summary of each version is below, but see a detailed comparison here. All prices include everything you need for real casino application.
Entry-level device with basic functionality. It achieves the same accuracy as competent visual ballistics player, except it requires far less skill and learning (visual ballistics is a common professional approach). This version is sold out and not available.
LITE VERSION: US$2950 for 1-player version, US$3950 for 2-player version
Affordable version for common wheels and conditions. It’s a few steps above the basic computer in both sophistication and accuracy. It includes support for a second player (to bet more numbers in less time). The Lite version still achieves a reasonable edge in common conditions. But it’s less accurate, and achieves later predictions than the advanced versions.
ORIGINAL UBER VERSION: US$12,500 for 1-player version, US$15,000 for 2-player version
For serious single players, or two-player teams. Capable of much more accurate and earlier predictions than the Basic or Lite versions. It comfortably beats almost every modern wheel design in real casino conditions.
The Remote Uber can be used by single players, but it is designed for large international teams. It’s almost identical to the Hybrid Remote version (our most powerful version), so you get the earliest and most accurate predictions possible. The only significant difference is the Uber Remote obtains ball and rotor timings via player clicks of a hidden button, whereas the Hybrid uses a hidden camera and automatically measures speeds.
Between 1 and 4 players can take timings. The more players taking timings, the more accurate predictions are. The timings are transmitted via wireless Internet to a remote server, which performs calculations and returns the predicted numbers to any amount of players at the table. The server exists outside the casino, and in another country. No sensitive equipment is ever brought into the casino, so there’s nothing important casinos could confiscate.
The ultimate computer for high-rollers and international teams. Players wear a hidden camera to transmit live video of the wheel via wireless Internet. The Hybrid server analyzes the video and transmits the predicted number to players at the table to bet.
Owners of the Hybrid don’t even need to enter casinos. They can watch their players win from home or anywhere in the world.
How The Remote Uber & Hybrid Maximize Revenue: The key to maximizing profit is avoiding detection. So to win large sums, players must spread winnings between different casinos. This requires impractical travel. However, with the Remote Hybrid and Uber computers, you can let a different team play each day. And because they play in different countries and casinos, you maximize your profit while players avoid detection.
How To Purchase
A demonstration before purchasing is recommended, but not essential. A demonstration allows you to fully understand what you’re purchasing. If you don’t want a demonstration, we’ll at least require a phone conversation to explain everything you need to know.
You can make payment with Credit Card, PayPal, Wire Transfer, Bitcoin, Cash or Direct Deposit. See the purchase page for details.
Instead of purchasing your own computer, you can join existing teams and pay computer owners part of your profit. The main upside is you get started with a much smaller investment, because you don’t need to buy a roulette computer. You only buy hardware like mobile phones, which costs about $300 per player. The main downside is you can’t play as often as you want. See details about joining existing teams.
Got Questions?

Contact Us for more information. We can make ourselves available on most weekdays 9:30am – 4pm (phone and Skype calls must be scheduled via our contact page). Our local time is GMT+10 (Melbourne, Australia). Convert to your local time at